yo gabba gabba

rada rada

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16 friends

About Me

"I'm the girl you she in the lunch room surrounded by my friends
i'm the girl that believes in love at first sight.
I'm the girl that gets shot down by love and then stand back up again."
Well i really want to make standard,default,and div layouts. So i like to ask around about that because i really interested in HTML and other stuff.But I like to first start off with somethng that i am good at making icons.:]

Name Ashleigh
Gender Female
Age 16
Location Norfolk, VA
Interested in Men
Status Married
Quotes People respect you because they feel you've survived hard times and endured, and although you've become famous, you haven't become phony.

Contact Me

IM lovergurl67@hotmail.com
Website myspace.com/chicklet_gurl007


Showing latest 4 of 4 comments

thank you for the layout comment!

By imperfectionistx on Jul 22, 2008 1:26 am · History

really? that's so cool. well i'm glad they also inspired you to make those cute icons! :)

By mizzkewl06 on Jul 15, 2008 4:44 pm · History

Thank you so very much for your comment!
I am so glad you liked my layout.
Have a nice day!

By Katinka on Jul 15, 2008 12:06 pm · History

You're welcome.

By tokyo-rose on Jul 15, 2008 11:31 am · History


Friends 16
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Comments 4
Page views 11,184
Posts 1
Group Member
Registered Sep 7, 2007
Last update Jul 15, 2008

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Graphics 19


Layouts 90
Graphics 15
Scripts 2
Tutorials 3

Web Skills

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Photoshop, Flash, Windows